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What are the determinants of wire surface quality?

In the survey, it was concluded that with the development of new technologies, new materials and new processes in the mold industry in the world, various mold materials of high strength, high hardness and high toughness have been widely used in order to enhance the wear resistance of molds To improve the service life of the mold is extremely beneficial, but it gives the residual part of the cnc wire cut edm machine manufacturers  caused by the technical inconvenience. To deal with the remaining parts of the workpiece processing problems, so as to ensure the remaining part of the workpiece surface quality and surface accuracy. For small workpieces with high hardness, high precision and high complexity, and non-planar machined surfaces, it is even more important to use multiple cuts to cut the remaining parts of the workpieces.
Wire cutting process to make the processing surface ionized, hot melt and cooling process, so the surface will occur the corresponding organizational changes from the table followed by the coating, hot melt layer, metamorphic layer and heat affected layer.
1, the coating: mainly from the thermal decomposition of carbon black coolant and liquid suspension of the metal particles, the coating is cut at the entrance of the wire thin and thick at the exit.
2, hot melt layer: it is not hot melt after splashing into the cooling liquid and the remaining part, is not the physical structure of the original organization, its hardness strength is also a long way from. Multi-piece cut to seam welding is one of it.
3, metamorphic layer: It is heated by the hot melt but did not reach the degree of condensation splash, but after the condensation process has not been the original organization of the metallographic structure, the original hardness of the quenching may be softened, the original did not quench Will have a hardness, high hardness may therefore have a crack.
4, heat affected layer: metamorphic layer transition to the substrate has a gradual process, which is heat affected layer. It did not change drastically but thicker. It should be said that the scope of the midline cutting surface changes is very small, but some important occasions can not be ignored, at least should know the causes and consequences for the follow-up measures.

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